On today’s show, first, we unpack St Barbara’s rebuttal that came out mid-market today. We are bloody bored of the St Barbara Saga but at this stage feel obliged to keep talking about it.
Andromeda (ASX:ADN) notified the market that one of their binding offtake agreements has been canceled in an announcement that dropped on ASX aftermarket yesterday. We discuss that in the context of another industrial minerals player that is in a bit of trouble too – Kalium Lakes (ASX:KLL) which entered a trading halt pending an operational update to the market today.
Then Trav surprises Matty by phoning in a friend to the show. Matthew Keane shares his view on the gold sector after being a Mining Resources analyst for 10 years. And Matty hints at a new segment to come – Word on the Decline.
All Money of Mine episodes are for informational purposes only and may contain forward-looking statements that may not eventuate. Please do your own research before making any investment decision or alternatively seek advice from a registered financial professional.
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