Life Of Mine
Life Of Mine
Entech LEGENDS: Tony Sime - Golden Grove, Gwalia, Degrussa + Management Style

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Welcome to another ENTECH LEGENDS episode, proudly supported by our great friends at Entech Mining. Hit them up for anything in the fields of Mining Engineering, Resource Geology, Geotechnical and Ventilation (best in the game). Get in touch with them at and also give them a follow on Linkedin at


Now before you get into this finale episode with Tony Sime, make sure you head back to Parts 1 and 2 if you haven’t listened to them already. Part 1 goes into Simesy’s airleg days all throughout WA and Part 2 goes through his early Management days with Eltin. Within Part 2 there is a great bit on the early development of North Parkes that is well worth a listen.


Now in part 3 with Simesy, we talk about the backend of his career in his upper management days. He ran mines such as Golden Grove, oversaw the development of Gwalia deeps, started up the Degrussa Copper mine and then finished off with Northern Star running Plutonic and also did a bit at South Kal and Pogo. Plenty of great learnings in this episode for all the Engineers and Managers out there. Some episode highlights include:



Thanks for the opportunity Simesy, one of the best interviews I’ve had the pleasure of doing and thanks for looking after the industry while you were in it.


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