Lucas Robinson and Stephen Moloney from Corporate Storytime have joined forces with Life Of Mine to bring some more CHANNEL MINE NEWS to the world. In this episode, we cover:
– GME Resources (ASX: GME) MoU to supply automotive group Stellantis with Nickel and Cobalt from the yet to be developed NiWest Project near Murrin Murrin.
– Lunnon Metals (ASX:LM8) Kambalda Nickel projects
– Aurelia Metals (ASX:AMI) raising $60m as leaked by AFR (but it didn’t happen)
– Coups in Burkina Faso
– The revival of Ravensthorpe with Medallion Metals (MM8) and Twiggy pegging some ground
– New clients for Corporate Storytime Elmore Limited (ASX:ELE) and Surefire Resources (ASX:SRN)