Welcome to today’s episode of Channel Mine News, the go-to “in your ears” Mining news source for all the multi-taskers out there.
In today’s episode of Channel Mine News, Matty is joined by Lucas Robinson from Corporate Storytime to cover some of the news coming out of the company’s CST represent.
You’ll hear about:
- Alkane Resources (ALK) lifting ounce guidance for Tomingley and exploring for the next Cadia
- Kingwest (KWR) and Brightstar (BTR) further consolidating the Leonora region
- Tombador Iron (TI1) with some of the highest grade iron ore in the world
- Cosmo Metals (CMO) exploring for base metals west of Gruyere
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If you would like your company to be a part of Channel Mine News, get in touch with me via matt@lifeofminepodcast.com
All Channel Mine News episodes are for information only and may contain forward looking statements that may not eventuate. Please do your own research before making any investment decision or alternatively seek advice from a registered financial professional.
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